Caña de mosca Redington Vice
Caña de mosca Redington Vice
Retiro disponible en GameFish - 4 Howe Street
Normalmente está listo en 1 hora
VICE es una gama de cañas de acción rápida y estilo clásico diseñada para que todos los pescadores puedan acceder a ella. Los blanks de fibra de carbono multimódulo ofrecen mayores niveles de recuperación para lanzar con mayor precisión y control, y los sutiles detalles de diseño, como las anillas de serpiente anodizadas en negro, los portacarretes grabados con láser y los componentes aptos para agua salada, se combinan para crear una caña de mosca a la que los pescadores no pueden resistirse. Está disponible en una amplia gama de tamaños especiales para aplicaciones únicas que no solo alimentarán un hábito de pesca, sino que pueden transformarlo en una VICE.
- Acción rápida
- Portacarrete de aluminio mecanizado anodizado, ideal para todas las condiciones del agua.
- Referencia del modelo grabada con láser en el portacarrete para una rápida identificación de la caña
- Tubo de varilla de cordura duradero con divisores de varilla incorporados
- Garantía de por vida
This is a superb 5 weight rod at a reasonable price. It is a powerful tip action rod and not necessarily for a beginner. As with these modern tip action rods the window to get it right is quite narrow but when you time it properly the line flies out.
I was very impressed by gamefish’s service. The tip of my rod broke in half almost immediately after assembling it and wiggling it to see how it felt. I contacted Gamefish and sent them photos of the broken tip. Without the slightest quibble they arranged for me to have a replacement tip within week. I certainly look to them for any future major purchases. That’s what I call 5 star service!!
Dan Mc
One of the best 5 weight I have ever cast.
I have 6 or 7 Vice's with Redington Reels - all different sizes/weights. This 5wt is to compliment my 7wts with Behemoth reels as a physical lighter variant as five/six hours with the 10ft 7wt + Behemoth reel takes its toll as I'm over 60. Well made, fast action, powerful all my other RV's have caught hundreds of trout - and my 4wts have caught well over 1000 roach, Rudd & Perch last year alone. Value for money - and delivered competently by Gamefish. For the money - these rods are hard to beat. (I do own Vision ONKIs, Greys & Guyidelines also bu Vice's are always my go to).
Haven't used the rod yet but looks good very light nice cork fwells handle.
Very happy with my purchase and the service from Gamefish. Many thanks!